Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inspiration from Harold Speed and Father Guido Sarducci

I have been re-reading, The Practice and Science of Drawing by Harold Speed.
True inspiration to me; with great insight, the following quote struck home.

I would highly recommend this book to any artist, still in print and very reasonably priced but you can also find it online free at Open Library.
Harold Speed
The Practice and Science of Drawing
Dover Publications, Inc new York
Originally published by Seeley Service Ltd. 1927

And if by chance Speed's quote is too deep there is always this inspiration from Father Guido Sarducci from Saturday Night Live extolling the virtues of being an artist ("Become an Artist")

Harold Speed - (1872-1957)                                                  
The SNL Archive
Father Guido Sarducci

Explore - Question - Learn - Enjoy, Jim