Thursday, January 23, 2020

"Is not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

I seem to paint a lot of bottles. A friend recently asked me why? I see a still life as a visual meditation, and glass can be a mental challenge in that you must decide what is effective and what is not in explaining the image.  It is walking an edge of what is optical information (that what we see) and conceptual information (that what we know) to express form and imagery. 

The simpler explanation is that old glass bottles are cool.

Marbles with Bottles, oil on panel, 10 x 8 inches, Jim Serrett

"Is not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." -- Henry David Thoreau

Explore - Question - Learn - Enjoy, Jim 

Website - 
Studio Blog - 
Landscape Blog - Pochade Box Paintings

Friday, January 17, 2020

Marbles with Bottles - WIP

Current work in progress. Progress shots, drawing, first pass, color mixing, final pass.

Marbles and Glass, contour drawing

First Pass.

Palette, color mixtures.

"Is not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." -- Henry David Thoreau

Final pass.

Marbles with Bottles, wip, oil on panel, 10 x 8 inches, Jim Serrett

Explore - Question - Learn - Enjoy, Jim 

Website - 
Studio Blog - 
Landscape Blog - Pochade Box Paintings